Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Let's Change The World, Shall We?

You and I are called to change the world. We are destined to accomplish the impossible. We have been commanded to be agents of the supernatural, to perform miracles and to strike awe into the hearts of those around us. You and I have been given the task of overcoming the insurmountable. We are born to wage wars against the powers of darkness and to triumph victoriously. As children of God, we are the most powerful people on earth. Do you believe this?

Yeah, me neither. At least, I couldn't prove I believed it with my behavior. The truth is, if I really believed those things, my life would look radically different. When you truly believe something, you act on it. Every time. Belief precedes action and demands it.

I'm convinced that one of Satan's most clever strategies against us is to deceive us into believing we are only capable of surviving, that changing the world is only for a select few who are much stronger, smarter, talented, and wealthy than we are. If this wasn't true, we would not have so many churches full of people satisfied with mediocrity, accomplishing just enough to live comfortably and without guilty consciences. The problem with the Church today isn't that we don't see the problems surrounding us; the problem is that we don't believe we're able to be the solution.

I have been battling this mindset my whole life. Honestly, I love the idea of being able to accomplish the impossible. I love the idea of being a mighty vessel of God, of making history and living an inspiring life of sacrifice and obedience. But it's always just an idea, because at the end of the day, I don't feel good enough to achieve anything great. I don't feel powerful. I don't feel victorious. I don't think I can change the world.

The problem is, lately God has been telling me otherwise. It's very frustrating. All this time, I've been justifying my average lifestyle by saying I just wasn't made with the ability to do great things. And I got to a place where I was okay with that. I thought it was okay for me to be only slightly generous, to be a little bold, to be a tiny bit disciplined (because that's better than most people, right?) Then God had the audacity to tell me that wasn't the case at all, that I'm just lazy and faithless, and that every day I live my life in an average way, I'm living in disobedience. I told God he was being dramatic. Thankfully God is patient and forgiving, willing to pursue even the most stubborn of hearts.

I am slowly learning to believe that with God, I can change the world. Each day he opens my eyes more and more to the power I have as His child. While I am weak and incapable myself, God is able to work through me to accomplish his purposes each day. I am learning that God not only desires to save us, but also desires to teach us and equip us to be the most powerful people the planet has ever seen. When we surrender ourselves fully to him, he can help us overcome selfishness, weakness, fear, dependence on comfort, etc. "God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect... He trains my hands for battle, he strengthens my arm... You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great" (Ps. 18:32-35). Although I am clueless, God is the Wonderful teacher (Is 28:29); although I don't know what to do, he has created me for specific good works which he will reveal to me (Eph 2:10); although I am weak, he shows himself strong (2 Cor 12:8). Like Moses and Jeremiah, I tell God I am not qualified for the things he is calling me to, and just as he responded to them, he tells me I have to do them anyway.

I believe it is time for the Church to wake up and be the solution to the problems we see so clearly. It's time to step into power. We can help solve poverty, we can feed the hungry, we can defend the helpless, we can father the orphan, the can bring the gospel to those who have never heard. We can perform miracles, even greater than the works Jesus himself performed (John 14:12). Do you believe this? I challenge you, dare to believe you can change the world, and watch as our mighty God uses you to do the impossible. Through His power at work within us, He will "accomplish infinitely more than we could ask or imagine" (Eph 3:20).

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